
Chiddingstone Castle 1

A great collection of Alvis cars was present at the Drive-it-Day event at Chiddingstone Castle, Kent. The event was limited to 60 cars, and was fully booked.
SE Section Sussex Drive It Day -Monday, April 26, 2021

Drive It Day

Our esteemed President Frank Kay and his lady wife Joan, arranged for a non-driving, Drive it Day within the government regulations and even from a legal and efficient social distance, the pleasure in experiencing a gathering after such a long time was palpable.
Latest News For Dirve It Day 2021 -Wednesday, April 14, 2021


National Drive It Day was created by the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs in 2005. It is the occasion when historic vehicle enthusiasts and the public at large have the opportunity to celebrate the One Thousand Mile Trial organised in 1900 to prove the viability of the new invention, the motor vehicle. It’s also a chance to raise awareness and support amongst the public for the historic vehicle movement and keeping transport heritage on UK roads.


A cold sunny day saw a few stalwart SE Section AOC members get their Alvis' out for a good run, blow away the cobwebs and meet up for a socially acceptable outside get together at Denbies Wine Estate, near Dorking in Surrey.

RH Insurance - Agreed Value

Emma Airey, Head of RH, explains: “Market value” If your vehicle is insured on a ‘market value’ basis this means you will receive the vehicle’s current value up to the amount stated on your schedule (and not a penny more). The amount you receive could be less than the schedule amount if the current market value is less than the value you’ve insured your vehicle for.

Scenic Car Tours - AOC Wales Section -Sunday, March 7, 2021

Scenic Car Tours

We are very pleased to report that following fruitful discussions with Scenic Car Tours, members who were booked on the cancelled Cotswolds Tour, following the cancelled Centenary IAW, are able to claim the refund of their deposits.


After an extensive consultation process, the Department for Transport has announced that they will legislate to introduce E10 petrol as the standard 95-octane petrol grade by 1 September 2021. They will also require the higher-octane 97+ ‘Super’ grades to remain E5 to provide protection for owners of older vehicles. This product will be designated as the ‘Protection’ grade.

Beware the Scammers -Sunday, February 28, 2021


Beware the Alvis for sale on Ebay. A scammer is persistently listing a TC21 drophead on ebay using hacked accounts and a picture of the car which was downloaded from the original listing that the car was sold on.

Motorsport UK

Motorsport UK is pleased to announce that organised Permitted motorsport can resume in England with effect from 29 March, subject to local restrictions and in accordance with its own Restart Guidance.

Scotland International-2021

The Scottish Section has been working hard towards the International event in June and were hoping to open booking very soon, but sadly we have now had to make the decision to postpone the event. This has been approved by the AOC Board.