Critical Pre-War Prescott Update – Saturday July 17th

Friday, June 4, 2021

Critical Pre-War Prescott Update – Saturday July 17th

Prescott 1


Please read the attached and follow the guidance and instructions:-

1. As the title of this e-mail suggests, if you are planning to come to Pre-War Prescott, you need to read the update in the latest Newsletter very carefully to become familiar with the critical changes for this year's event. (For your convenience I have copied it below).

2. Alvis is the marque being celebrated as part of our deferred Centenary Celebration (carried over from 2020, thanks to Ian Grace of the VMR).

3. Right now we have 26 Alvises entered, which is wonderful.  We can fit 28 cars along the lower edge of the Paddock (in front of the line of club and trade tents/stalls on the grass in front of the lower hedge).  So that is perfect.

4. Regarding the Alvis cavalcade at lunchtime, Ian will start to co-ordinate this with the BOC as I know from the Wolseley Hornet cavalcade last year that there are restrictions that require the cars to ascend in batches - separated by marshals' vehicles (for 'safety'!)  Last year the number was restricted because not enough marshals with cars could be found.  If numbers have to be restricted, perhaps we will have to cull the list down to representative models, but hopefully not.  I'll keep you posted as I find out more.  Either way, the trick will be to organize all of the drivers to be present and briefed in good time for the cavalcade which will take place at 2 p.m. precisely, so as not to hold up everyone else as the hill re-opens.  With the cars lined up along the foot of the Paddock, it should be easy to feed them to the start line gate. Incidentally, no climb tickets are required for the cavalcade.

5. Before diving into the event news, this is a CRITICAL UPDATE relating to Covid and also new Motorsport UK (MSUK) rules which EVERYONE coming to Pre-War Prescott needs to read very carefully and take the necessary action.

Since Pre-War Prescott 2019, much has changed over the past two years. We all know about Covid, which caused the cancelation of Pre-War Prescott 2020 (and much else!) and it will impact Pre-War Prescott 2021 – as detailed below.

In addition, since PWP 2019, MSUK has introduced new regulations governing the sport. These are impacting Prescott and the Bugatti Owners’ Club, and in turn, Pre-War Prescott.
Further details will be circulated in a couple of days, but here are the key points for you to start absorbing:

• ALL entrants (i.e. all those parking their pre-war cars in the Paddock, and whether climbing
the hill or not) and their passengers over the age of 18 will require an MSUK Clubman license (or higher ranked license).
• ALL those arriving at the gate on the day – entrants and their passengers, spectators, traders and displayers - will have to pre-register online before the day and their pre-registration will be checked against a list held by the gate marshals.

Those not pre-registered will regretfully have to be turned away!
These two requirements mean that it will no longer be possible to simply turn up on the day and pay at the gate to enter and climb the hill, so anyone wishing to enter MUST do so in advance. And for this year, because of the Covid track-and-trace requirements, THIS ALSO INCUDES ALL SPECTATORS. So, if you are planning to come along on the day – even just to spectate, you should put in an entry form ASAP and you will have to pre-register using the BOC system that will go live shortly. Spectators do NOT need a MSUK license, but you might well want to obtain one anyway, just in case you get offered a ride up the hill, or if you are lucky enough to win a ride up the hill in the raffle!

Hopefully, the track-and-trace restrictions will be eased by July and long gone by next year. But for now, it would be safer to assume that track-and-trace will still be in effect for PWP 2021, and the Clubman license and pre-registration requirements for entrants are here to stay.

To obtain a MSUK Clubman license, go to:

and apply online. It is very simple, quick and free. When your license is e-mailed to you moments later, simply print it out and bring it with you on the day.

The above raises all sorts of questions which Ian is currently taking up with the BOC. He will be circulating a comprehensive update on all of this as soon as he has all the answers. One big question relates to those turning up early on the day (traders, volunteer marshals, and even campers arriving the day before, etc. He will include the answer in the update.
to be turned away.
6. So here's the link for Pre-War Prescott pre-registration.

I just pre-registered and it worked fine for me and the text fields seem to accept free text, so it will take a foreign emergency phone contact. However, it does need your MSUK Clubman license number, which is fine for those climbing the hill, but no good for spectators and others.

Ian has asked the BOC if this pre-registration form is to be used for non-climbers in order to generate the track-and-trace list. I'll post an answer here as soon as I get one.

Could every entrant (after they have their MSUK Clubman licenses) to jump on this link and complete their pre-registration and report back to me and Ian ( if they experience any difficulties.
Phew! This is quite a lot to absorb but your safety and compliance with the guidelines should ensure that the event can be enjoyed by everyone.

A downloadable version is available from the Members Only, News and Events Section.
Best regards,
Anthony R McGarel-Groves
Chairman - Alvis Owner Club Limited

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