Saturday, October 5, 2024 8:13:28 PM

Speed 25 brakes adjustment

6 years ago
#321 Quote
Does anybody have for sale any serviceable Speed 25 'Brake shoe adjusting pins - eccentric' as per attached (lower image)?  New from RT they are £64 each!!   [attachment=0:1j07vcv0]<!-- ia0 -->Alvis brake shoe adjusting pin - eccentric.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1j07vcv0] Posted by johnlayzell 30/12/2017 19:49:44
6 years ago
#323 Quote
Hi John,  If you have the old ones from which to obtain the dimensions,  any half decent metal workshop with a lathe should be able to turn these out for a lot less than £62 ! Posted by NeilWillatt 01/01/2018 10:01:33
6 years ago
#322 Quote
Thanks Neil!    I may have to do just that!  Happy New Year!  Get out there and drive! Posted by johnlayzell 03/01/2018 20:06:20
6 years ago
#324 Quote
We have just done that, had some made. Very reasonable. We have also cleaned up the pins the brake shoes pivot on . And we've  put thin bronze bushes in the shoes, all much better now. The shoes have been relined by Saftek with soft green woven linings. Also we are thinking of putting what are known as &quot;pillow blocks&quot; (Self aligning bearings) in place of the rather nasty angle iron brackets that locate the cross shaft. Has anyone done that?  We'll put a new shaft in as well, the old one is really chavelled up at the ends. We are not sure whether the springs on the end of said shaft are supposed to be return springs or just to locate the shaft, any ideas?  Because the car will be used in competition by a family who have never driven a car with a centre throttle we are changing that over as well which means a bit of re-hashing other bits as well. Posted by Delagiste 27/01/2018 14:14:46
6 years ago
#325 Quote
David - if you are satisfied with those eccentric pins, would your supplier be willing to make more for you and then send to me as you did with the springs?  Same for the thin bronze bushings?  Did you have your drums and linings arced as described here?  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->  Please let us know how you progress with the pillow blocks, cross shaft, etc.  Thanks! Posted by johnlayzell 27/02/2018 08:36:41
6 years ago
#326 Quote
We only cleaned up the brake shoe pivot pins, we didn't have new ones made, then the holes in the shoes were reamed out to a suitable size for pressing in the bronze bush, any competent machinist should be able to do the same. The eccentrics were just cleaned up as well, they were only a bit worn. The drums have had the lightest of skims and we hope the soft linings will bed in quickly.  One of the guys involved with me in putting the car together has a brother who is a really ace machinist and he does those jobs for us (at mate's rates!) I'll let you know about the 'pillow blocks' after we have fitted the new cross shaft, not expensive, £40 the pair.The steel tube for the new cross shaft was a helluva lot more! I think it is more essential to get the brakes absolutely right rather than look for a few more b,h.p. at this stage . After everything has bedded in (including the drivers) we may look to find  more power.  It's an SD Speed 20 engine in a Firefly chassis, a project which someone started way back, probably in the 1980s and then lost interest, it came to us from the U.S. via Holland. Posted by Delagiste 27/02/2018 17:53:18
6 years ago
#327 Quote
Hi  John, it appears that we could make some of the eccentric shoe adjusters, do you still want some? Or does anyone else who reads this? The same could go for the brake shoe pivot pins. If there was a reasonable demand my machinist mate would probably knock some up at a reasonable price. Posted by Delagiste 01/03/2018 10:27:58
6 years ago
#328 Quote
Possibly, depending on what is that reasonable price!  I'm beginning to believe that my under par braking is primarily as a result of not having my relatively new brake linings properly arced.  More on brake arcing here:  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> Posted by johnlayzell 01/03/2018 21:04:26
6 years ago
#329 Quote
I will let you know a.s.a.p. Posted by Delagiste 02/03/2018 14:22:51
6 years ago
#330 Quote
[][/img] Sorry! It's supposed to be a photo, but it hasn't worked! Posted by Delagiste 21/03/2018 15:49:47