Hi, Petrol is trickling out through the intake passages of my auxiliary carb. When the carbs is swtiched off and the engine is running at idle, the intake passages are both full of petrol and slightly overflowing. I can't work out from the diagram which bit needs fixing. Is it the valve or the needle assembley? The spring (item 10 in the diagram) seems very weak and the 'valve' is just a brass disk, but then I guess the suction from the engine keeps the valve closed when the solenoid is not pulling it open. Here's the diagram: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://sucarb.co.uk/technical-chokes-thermos-auxiliary-enrichment">http://sucarb.co.uk/technical-chokes-th ... enrichment</a><!-- m --> Cheers, Mike Posted by Mikee 20/07/2013 12:14:14