5 years ago
#648 Quote
The body framework is nearly finished I am just hanging the doors and then I can start panelling.   The mudguards arrived from the manufacturers of wagon mudguards and are very good so I now have to hang them from some fancy brackets that I will have to design.  I am putting rear lights on the mudguards so some place for wiring will need to be found!  My son was around last week so we decided to give it a run!  It hasn't run much since 1970 just a couple of short carburettor float chambers full.  So having stood with water in for weeks all ok I was certain all would be well!  Well sods law I had connected the fuel pump wrong way round, but with that righted the car started instantly having barely turned.   Clouds of white smoke from the exhaust appeared from the oil and WD40 I had put down the plug holes but hat all sorted after about 5 minutes. Then it started to leak water from the temperature sensor boss even though I had used ptfe to assemble it..... old cars eh!  I wanted to hear it run properly just incase anything was a miss..... after all it is 87 years old.... and the original engine!  The speedo said 65,000 before it was repaired but I have no history at all so it may have been rebuilt at some time.  Anyway this seemed a good time to check.  Well the engine settled down and we ran the car about on our estate... clutch is smooth but the original straight cut gearbox sounds busy.  Over half an hour the engine sounded stronger and stronger and it settled down to tick over and produce power as required...... all good then.  After about 15 minutes we had some steam up and the radiator was steaming like an old coal powered railway engine! There is no water pump or radiator fan on this model so I will have to fit an electric fan asap. All in all a successful run..... I can't wait to get it out on the road!   I have a wiring problem though with the three brush dynamo. I have found circuits to wire it up as the car of course had no wiring harness originally.  However the voltage regulator and the resistance wires for the three brush system are very tatty.  So I will need to sort them....... enquires to the people who build alternators into dynamo casing returned a blank as the dynamo only turns at half engine speed far too slow for an alternator conversion.  I am going all LED for the lights so I won't need much power, but the three brush system requires a load at all times..... some head scratching to be done.... anyone any ideas? Posted by FLYJCW 28/08/2019 11:30:45