Saturday, October 5, 2024 5:02:47 PM

Speed 25 Electric Cooling Fan

3 years ago
#2687 Quote
as suggested (by me, DaveT) in one of the above posts, I fitted two 6 inch fans to the radiator. This involved taking out the radiator and mounting the spectacle frame directly to it. I installed a DPDT switch on the dashboard, which can be wired up to give one or two fan operation under manual control (only). after a few years with this configuration, driving the car in the UK and to France (including Le Mans with large tent and camping gear) a few times, it has not overheated since. I only switch the fans on in slow traffic and generally only use one of them to minimise drain on the battery.

3 years ago
#2688 Quote
I have fitted two small fans at the bottom of the radiator and retained the original mechanically driven fan as described in the other posts.  Having the electric fans at the bottom of the radiator is not the most efficient position, but I have found that they keep the temperature down to about 85 - 90 C even when stationary in traffic in the hottest UK summer weather.  I have also found that a very effective method of bringing the temperature down to 80 C and avoiding the high under-bonnet temperatures which cause fuel vapourisation is to simply open the left hand side of the bonnet. Next summer I intend to carry a piece of foam rubber and bungee cord so that I can secure the bonnet in this position without damaging it and proceed thus in slow moving traffic, pulling over to close it when the traffic starts to flow properly.