Saturday, October 5, 2024 10:03:37 PM

Speed 25 starting problem

10 years ago
#236 Quote
Rewakening the car from winter sleep my Speed 25 fired up after the fuel pumps worked for several seconds and than sparked up after three to four starting attempts running very smoothly. Then I parked the car in a different garage with temperatures dropping to 9 C and the car would not start until after about 20 minutes starting exercise. Following that it would start at the first starting attempt und run perfectly when restarted within a few hours or so. After the car stood for a day or two same starting problems as before existed but easily helped with some starter spray. Same problem exists even to-day with temperatures into the 20s C. Could anyone advise on this problem as I have been unable to identify any possible cause: Fuel pumps work from switching on the engine, starting carburettor even has a slight overflow when engaged, spark plugs look fine (no black crusting or wet from excess fuel), sparks available as engine starts on starter spray and promptly thereafter once fired. Thanks for any comments Posted by jofrey 26/05/2014 13:07:46
10 years ago
#237 Quote
Sounds (very) like a failing condenser problem.  Difficult (very) to start, runs OK when eventually started, then won't re-start again.  Hope this helps, Posted by lacey giles 27/05/2014 13:36:37
10 years ago
#238 Quote
Is the car running on magneto or coil? Posted by RichardWallach 28/05/2014 08:27:11
10 years ago
#239 Quote
The Speed  25 runs on coil only Posted by jofrey 28/05/2014 19:53:43
10 years ago
#240 Quote
The starter spray would seem to mitigate an electrical issue. That said the condenser could be faulty. The purpose of the condenser is to absorb the reverse current from the breakdown of the coil field. In essence it protects the points from arching and burning out. Have a very close look at the points. If they appear to be rather badly pitted then replace them and the condenser. Are all your leads in good electrical condition, the issue being voltage drop? If you have a spare coil that you know is sound try replacing the original. Is the car still wired as + earth? If it is ensure that the coil is fitted correctly.   If the above does help then it would appear to be a fuel issue. Not knowing SU's (my car runs a dual choke Solex) I would defer to another member. That said it would then appear to be a choke matter. Regards  Richard Posted by RichardWallach 29/05/2014 03:42:00
10 years ago
#241 Quote
Does the engine re-start easily once it is hot, or is this only a cold start issue? Posted by johnlayzell 31/05/2014 22:44:29
10 years ago
#242 Quote
Hi,  I think you are describing a problem of getting the car to fire up after it has stood still for more than a few hours. I have been chasing this same problem with my car.  Have you checked that you have good compression when the engine is cold? Try squirting some oil into each cylinder via the spark plug hole to lubricate the rings and improve the seal and therefore the compression?   Have you looked in the float chambers for petrol before starting the car in the expected failing conditions?  What about muck in the tank or float chambers, or a partially blocked fuel filter (in the tank, in the fuel lines, in the fuel pumps, on the float chamber entry point)  Have you tried clearing any air lock between the fuel pump and the carbs by using the ticklers or by "cracking " open one of the banjo connections to the carbs?  Is it possible that the non return valve in one or both of the fuel pumps is not closing properly?  Have you drained the tank or tried switching between the main / reserve tank pick up pipes on different occasions?  In addition to these checks, I have also fitted a non return valve in the main fuel pipe (near the tank) - it didn't seem to help me with my car!!  Do you notice whether the condition is worse when the tank is nearly empty vs when the tank is nearly full? My car is much easier to start when the tank is full.  Please let us know if you find a fix  Good luck  Dave Posted by DaveT 02/06/2014 12:27:46
10 years ago
#243 Quote
Hoping Jofrey will post again so we can resolve his and Dave T's issues.  I had hoped to attach a pdf of Nick Simpson's Balance Pipe Choke System, but "The extension pdf is not allowed."  Why not? Posted by johnlayzell 12/06/2014 17:38:57
10 years ago
#244 Quote
John,  can you convert the PDF to jpg (eg. via print screen and paste into MS Paint or similar).   Dave Posted by DaveT 16/06/2014 11:13:24
10 years ago
#245 Quote
Dave,  I converted into 3 jpg files and tried to attach one by one, but:  The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 50 KiB.  If you and Jofrey will send me your e-mail addresses, I will send to you.  <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Posted by johnlayzell 17/06/2014 02:47:28