I have just completed rebuilding the Andre Hartford dampers on the SG 16.95 ,the brass friction plates have been spot welded to the arms and the center locating rings reswaged back ,as are the mounting eyes .Now the question ; the bushes for the eyes when pushed out were rubber with a steel tube therein ,the tube ends are concave bevelled at the ends to stop them rotating and the books say to leave them loose until the vehicle is at its normal loaded weight then tighten .I purchased damper arm bushes from the Andre Hartford people in Australia two years ago and they are what I always referred to as "Metalastic "bushes with both inner and outer steel sleeves ,the outer diameter of which is just too large to press into the eyes (by about 1/64" )are the original type with only a center steel bush still available ,or do I reduce the outer diam. of the ones I have ? Alan Posted by ajw 23/06/2012 21:49:55