Monday, March 10, 2025 3:03:50 AM

3 litre camshaft rear bearing housing

3 years ago
#2741 Quote
I am rebuilding a TA21 bought partially dismantled.  The engine was completely dismantled and I find that I am missing the housing for the rear camshaft bearing, part number C4263.

If anyone has one of these they are prepared to sell, please contact
2 years ago
#2742 Quote
Hi Paul

I have one somewhere but can't find it at the moment.I will keep looking. The same part, no C4263, is used in all 3 litre engines so you may find it easier to find a scrap TD/E/F block with the housing still attached, try Chris Prince
good luck Peter Martin
2 years ago
#2743 Quote
Hi Peter,

I am not in a vast hurry as I probably won't need it for a couple of months at the current rate of progress.  If you do find it, I shall be more than happy to buy it from you.

Regards, Paul