Saturday, October 5, 2024 8:03:59 PM

valve clearances conflict.

3 years ago
#2709 Quote
Pages 36 and 38 of my manual specify clearances of .012" for exhaust and inlet. On page 10 however under valve timing it specifies 0.010" for the inlet . Is this an error? If it is not an error which are the inlet valves?
Also on the same page there is reference to the clearance being 0.020" when cold . Does this have to be actually set or is this the clearance which automatically occurs when the valve is cold [or near enough!].
Thanks for any advice,
3 years ago
#2710 Quote
According to D Culshaw book, 3 litre in Detail ,TE 's & TF's are both 12 thou inlet &exhaust, warm, this agrees with my TE handbook , TD 1 & 11 are 9 inlet 15 exhaust according to DC
From your handbook  details I guess you have a TE or F, I suspect the 10thou reference is a mistake,my &TE book is the same.
Not sure about about slackening to 20 thou cold when checking the valve timing possibly  just to  ensure  no interference.
I reckon the inlet valves are nos. 2,3,5,8, 10 &11.
Hope this helps

3 years ago
#2711 Quote
Peter - tappets adjusted all seemingly correct , However I now have noisy tappets . To explain - the clearances were very tight [perhaps to eliminate noise]  . In re-setting I have pushed down on the adjustment side of the tappet which increases the gap significantly and I am unsure whether this is correct or whether the gap should be set as the tappets naturally sit . If the latter it seems to me that the amount of free play will be even greater and the rattle similarly increased.

Your opinion would be appreciated,
3 years ago
#2712 Quote
I do mine as they naturally sit, but to ensure no interference and the valve fully closed I only adjust when the other valve is fully open.
Does your car have the the light anti rattle return springs on the push rods? ,one of my cars  does  and the other does not. The engine on the latter is a bit noisier. Brian Chrimes told me that he knew of a few with this mod, but not sure why.
