Saturday, October 5, 2024 8:01:36 PM

Power steering for 3 litres

11 years ago
#2451 Quote
I am currently considering having power steering fitted by Red Triangle to my TD21. I understand that over 20 have been sold so far and would appreciate others' comments before deciding.   Many thanks. Nigel Burgess Posted by nigelburgess 04/09/2013 10:02:25
10 years ago
#2452 Quote
Was power steering ever a 'factory option'.?   My car has it but then is has a TE engine fitted.  It's not running yet so I can't comment on feel.  Mark. Posted by Mark T Boldry 30/11/2013 20:44:26
10 years ago
#2453 Quote
The PAS that Nigel refers to is I guess the modern electric job. The PAS that Mark is asking about is presumably the hydraulic ZF system fitted I believe as standard to TF's and available as an option on TE's. I quote from p771 of Autocar dated 16/10/64, "Alvis are to offer ZF power steering as an optional extra on their 1965 models.........the additional cost will be £121 inc pt ", there then follows a glowing description of how it works ,a drawing ,& concluding that it provides a satisfactory degree of "feel"through the steering range. My TE had this system retrofitted by RT in August 1967 at the cost of £375 this is recorded as being order no R0001! on the invoice.The original owner had asked the Alvis factory about doing the job in May, he was politely stalled by D Michie the service manager who wrote that they could not do this work immediately "arising out of the formation of the British Leyland Motor Corporation". I think the ZF system is great,there are a few drips,you can get interesting hydraulic kickback if you engage in rapid changes of direction (timed driving tests),caused I guess by you turning the wheel faster than the spool valves can dump fluid and the best bit is the yelp from the drive belt at low revs, this gets tardy pedestrians out the way. Posted by Peter Martin 01/12/2013 16:02:06
10 years ago
#2454 Quote
Mine (on XLE45) is the ZF type. The car has TE engine so I guess RT fitted the pas at the same time…  XLE45 is in a poor state at the moment, but I'm working on her.  I understand (to quote Chris Prince) 'XLE45 was a well known car'…  Can anyone elaborate on this….?  Cheers, Mark. Posted by Mark T Boldry 01/12/2013 20:57:40