Hello all, As the front shoes of my TA14 are getting very close to the rivets, I would like to solicite opinions regarding the options for brake shoe refurbishment. Option 1: (My first thoughts were that I would) buy new linings, clean everything and re-rivet by hand. Option 2: Purchase exchange reconditioned items from the UK (almost as much postage both ways as the shoes themselves!) Option 3: This French company promise to do an amazingly good job of total refurbishment and baked/bonded linings. The cost isn't significantly different to the exchange/refurb items but looks much more thorough. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.restauration-frein.fr/">http://www.restauration-frein.fr/</a><!-- m --> Having considered the options I have decided to not elect for option 1 and try option 3. However, Is there any reason that bonded shoes may not be a good idea? All opinions gratefully received! Tony Osborne Posted by TonyO 25/05/2012 07:56:24