Sunday, March 9, 2025 9:30:43 PM

Dynamo Repair or Replacement

11 years ago
#1994 Quote
In about 1987, when I had my first TE, I took the dynamo to a local automotive electrician in East Oxford, who worked on a mezzanine floor up a rickety wooden staircase in an old Dickensian building. He put took the cover off and skimmed it in his lathe. He charged me 50p and the dynamo charged my battery superbly from then on. Does anyone know where I can get a similar job done these days - perhaps for a little more than 50p!  Failing that, has anyone installed a Dynalite replacement? It's an alternator in a C45 dynamo case, so it just fits in place. They're about £350+VAT, so they're not cheap.  <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";pgCode=080&amp;sgName=Electrical&amp;pgName=Dynamos+%26+Starters&amp;agCode=1551&amp;agName=Dynalites&amp;pCode=081.203"> ... de=081.203</a><!-- m -->  My current dynamo struggles to maintain an even keel with the headlights or Kenlowe on.  Cheers, Mike Posted by Mikee 13/08/2013 20:31:42
11 years ago
#1995 Quote
Hi Mike,  are you sure the rest of the charging circuit is in good order. Every wire, bullet and screw terminal can contribute to a loss of charging volts - especially the contact points in the regulator.  Under full load (lights, fan, heater fan, wipers etc), what voltage reading can you measure at the dynamo output vs at the battery. If the battery reading is significantly lower, you do not need a new or refurbished dynamo. There are other threads already on this forum about the voltage regulator and how to improve it. Posted by DaveT 15/08/2013 11:19:48
11 years ago
#1996 Quote
Mike  I know a man in Paisley who can do it,he will charge about £30. Abercorn Electrics 01418870252, ask for George re alternator switch, I don't believe it is really worth it unless you plan to do lots of winter driving/rallies ,the car has   had the the &quot;problem&quot; from new,how often are you out in the dark with the heater ,wipers &amp; Kenlowe on? . I know it is depressing to see the ammeter on the wrong side but have you ever actually flatenned the battery to the extent she won't start on the key and there is always the handle or even carry a spare charged battery.  rgds Peter Posted by Peter Martin 15/08/2013 12:36:52