Saturday, October 5, 2024 5:17:58 PM

AOC's Financial standing

11 years ago
#1827 Quote
Very good question Alan. What would we spend it on if we were to reduce the bank balance? Just reduce the membership fee?  I have no doubt that a time will come where electronic communication becomes the established norm in the club, but I think it is a way off as yet. Obviously, the forum users are of the IT capable population, so I'd expect that most of the users here wouldn't mind electronic publications. However, in terms of overall membership, I expect that the preference would still be for hard copy.  Paul. Posted by pryantcc 10/03/2013 21:05:40
11 years ago
#1828 Quote
Somewhat concerned that there has been no official reasoned reply on this amazing situation. Posted by Mike Wheadon 28/03/2013 08:20:09
11 years ago
#1829 Quote
Of the £91k shown as cash at the Balance Sheet date 31st Oct 2012: - 1. £50k represents a 'Prudent Reserve' of 1 years normal  expenditure 2. £8k is reserved for Membership List (outcome closer to £7k) 3. £7.5k is reserved for Information Technology requirements (likely expenditure closer to £12k) 4. £16.5k is in Section accounts 5. Annual cash flow of the club is such that Members Subscriptions are due (and mainly received) in April but the expenditure takes place steadily throughout the year 6. End of March 2013 net free cash is < £50k!  So sorry to disappoint you ... Subscriptions are not going up for the Membership year commencing on 1st April 2013 but will be reviewed and recommendations made for the period from 1st April 2014 will be made over the next 12 months... they are unlikely to be downwards!  National Treasurer Posted by anthonymcg 29/03/2013 18:37:54
11 years ago
#1830 Quote
I must have been asleep in the AGM when £12k was mentioned as the likely budget for IT. Can you expand on the reasons for this and who is the recipient of the fees involved? Previous IT has always been provided at low or no cost by experienced members. At the AGM a call was made for more transparency in Club affairs. Spending this amount of money is a good place to start. We had been promised an updated website a year ago but nothing seems to have happened. Can the Moderator explain the problems so we can help? Posted by AAT 31/03/2013 08:00:25
11 years ago
#1831 Quote
The IT budget was agreed at the board meeting and communicated at the AGM. It's being run by Rob Rowe (Club PRO) with help from the Webmaster, Vice Chairman, Membership Sec, Commercial Officer (myself). the aim is to produce a modern vibrant website which also includes a membership and car database. To do this will require funds - it's a large project which I don't think any member will provide F.O.C. There is an update on this in the latest Bulletin from Rob Posted by Philip 22/08/2013 09:33:30
9 years ago
#1832 Quote
Hi all, I would like to say the bulletins on a stick would have been cheap at double the price especially if you are looking to restore a car and secondly the membership fee (£40 a year) well 77 pence a week is nothing Especially in a club where most cars are tax and mot exempt. As for the reserves would have to benefit all members equally but I would guess its there for emergencies. Well Done AOC and thanks. Posted by paddysteel7 07/02/2015 00:18:47