Saturday, October 5, 2024 8:07:06 PM

TD21 Ser II Wiper Motor

5 years ago
#1474 Quote
My wiper motor seems very tired and operates very slowly, sometimes not at all if the windscreen is actually dry.  Chris Prince tells me that these motors are in the "hens teeth" category.  Does anyone know where I might be able to get my original motor rebuilt/rewound?  Failing that, does anyone have a serviceable one they might sell me?  Almost as an aside, were they fitted to any other cars?  Tim. Posted by timeveritt 07/02/2019 16:55:09
5 years ago
#1475 Quote
I don't think they are that rare - the motor is a standard Lucas DR3, plenty available on Fleabay and other classic car parts sites Posted by Philip 07/02/2019 17:03:56
5 years ago
#1476 Quote
Tim,  Send me an email privately and I will forward to you an article I wrote on the subject. The motor is just one part of the system. The cable system unless serviced is probably caked in old grease which puts a significant load on the motor. Within the motor itself the reciprocating mechanism is probably working against the same issue. A thorough clean and lubrication with a mix of oil and grease may be all that is required. Besides time the only other cost may be for a new set of brushes for the motor.   Richard Wallach Melbourne Posted by RichardWallach 07/02/2019 20:57:03
5 years ago
#1473 Quote
Empathize completely with those who wish mechanical things to work as they should, but my one word response is - "Rain-X" Properly applied and maintained, far superior to my modern Honda's wipers! Posted by johnlayzell 08/02/2019 16:19:09
5 years ago
#1477 Quote
I've now down quite a bit of research on these motors.  Whilst it is a Lucas DR3 motor, this covers a multitude of different wipers all with different sweep and (particularly) park characteristics.  You can alter the sweep by changing one gearwheel and cam.  If you want them to park in the right place, however, it is a compltetely different story.  Basically, it would seem you have to get the correct motor for your car.  The correct one is fitted to some early Jaguar saloons, some Armstrong Siddeleys, some Humbers and a Left Hand Drive Sunbeam Rapier. And that's about it. And there seem to to be none to be had, not even for ready money.  So if anyone does have one (Lucas DR3 75310 B) or does have any experience of getting one rebuilt, I'd love to hear from you....  PS Every part of mine has been cleaned up.  The linkages have also been cleaned and the pathway for the rack has been made as straight as possible. It now sort of works, bit I'd really be a lot happier with one that worked properly. Posted by timeveritt 21/08/2019 16:05:45