South West Alvis Weekend

Thursday, July 4, 2024

South West Weekend

SW Alvis Weekend-1

Summer has at last arrived, so AOC members who chose to attend the South West Alvis Weekend based at the beautiful Stourhead Estate in West Wiltshire, were clearly in for a fun time. Things got off to a truly barmy start on the Friday evening with drinks on the terrace before dinner at our chosen hotel base The Hunters Lodge, just East of Wincanton. On Saturday most members opted for the organised road run across Cranborne Chase, which included an optional coffee stop at Compton Abbas Airfield where a number of them witnessed a small air display including two WW2 Spitfires. Other members opted for a visit to the world famous Hauser & and Wirth art gallery & gardens at Bruton, while others chose Bath or Sherborne, some even made a visit to Stonehenge.

On the main day Sunday, thirty eight cars formed a wonderful display around the pre- ordained grassed area located within easy walking distance to all National Trust facilities including an excellent restaurant. Particularly welcome were AOC members from Europe, Jens Arneberg from Sweden and Nigel Bradbury from France. Whilst the judging of cars progressed, most members took advantage of a trip round the huge Stourhead Estate including the magnificent mansion, one of the first in the country to showcase Palladian architecture, and the world famous gardens centred by the lake and the classical temple & grotto.

The day’s proceedings were concluded following the usual and very necessary raffle, and nine individual trophies were awarded plus a number of second place awards. Thanks and goodbyes were then expressed before commencement of the journey home.

SW Alvis Weekend-2

SW Alvis Weekend-3

Don Gray.

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