Letters from our Chairman

Monday, May 25, 2020

Chairmans Letters


Pop Up’ Event at Bicester Heritage: Spring Bank Holiday #3

Dear Member

 "Don’t know when, don’t know where but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day …"

I now know where - The  AOC, at the invitation of Bicester Heritage, are arranging a ‘Pop up’ event to celebrate the end of ’the lock down quarantine’ and our Centenary: -

The venue will be at the Bicester Heritage site and all Alvis owners are invited to attend to meet up with old friends, meet new ones and have a guided tour of this important heritage venue and be introduced to the various craftsmen operating at the technical site.

And, I now know when - Prepare a picnic, fettle your motors and keep Thursday 20th August 2020 free.  A form is now available in the Members Only news section for you to complete and return the the AOC should you wish to attend this event.  A copy will also be in the next Pink Un.

We will adhere to any social distancing requirements then in force.

Many thanks to Anthony McGarel-Groves and Philip Olden for seeing the project on its way.

Best wishes

    David Salter



Virtual Centenary Party 8 August 2020: Spring Bank Holiday #2

Dear Member

In my email to you all of 10 May 2020 I made reference to our Virtual Centenary Party. The plan is that at the same time (7pm BST), and on the same date, as our original Gala Dinner at Coombe Abbey, Coventry (8 August 2020), we will gather together using Microsoft teams, to have a chat, catch up with old friends and to raise a glass to 100 years of Alvis. The meeting will last until 10pm but you can come and go as you wish. Hopefully, we will have some International members joining us, at least for part of the time.

Please put the date in your diaries and consider whether you fancy dressing up for the party in the costume which you might have worn to the original event. You do not need to have “Teams” on your computer – we will enable a “guest” entry to the meeting which will simply require you to click on a link to join in.

We want to have an idea of how many of you will join in on the day so we can work out how the meeting can best be managed. We are going to enable a formal invitation and reply system which you will find on the members' section of the website. We will email you to let you know when the system is live, so you can log on and respond, so please do not use a response to this email to say you will join the party.

I do hope that many of you will take the opportunity to join the meeting. Those of you who have already taken part in a virtual Noggin know how easy it is to meet your Alvis friends and what fun it is too.

In the meantime, as lock down slowly eases, I’m sure you will all find ways of going for a drive. Keep sending your photos and videos to Alvflix (aoccent@gmail.com) - we will have a fabulous record of our Centenary year.

Best wishes

    David Salter



A Changing Centenary Celebration: Spring Bank Holiday #1

Dear Member

As you know, it became apparent at a fairly early stage that we would not be able to proceed with our Centenary celebrations in the way that we had originally intended even if lock-down restrictions were somewhat relaxed. We also took the view that at a time of national crisis it was inappropriate to celebrate our Centenary in the way originally intended.

Just as Alvis stepped into the breach during World War 2, we believed that there was something which the Club might be able to do to help those who had been particularly affected by the global pandemic. From the funds we had set aside for the Centenary, we have therefore made two significant donations - one to the Coventry Food-bank and another to BEN, the Motor and Allied Trades Benevolent Fund. The first of these recognises the needs of those in crisis in the city of Alvis production; the second supports a charity for those in the automotive industry who need help with a wide range of issues.

Best wishes

    David Salter


Click here to read the Coventry Food Bank letter of thanks


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6/25/2024 6:04 PM
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