AOC East Anglian Section Day at Pakenham Water Mill Suffolk
Alvis in line for the day
The event took place on Saturday 24 July, just a few days after “Freedom Day' and despite a threatened thunderstorm the weather was kind and those attending, had a very enjoyable time socialising, enjoying the varied Alvis on display as well as a couple of Members other motors, comprising an Austin Healey 100/6 and Jaguar XK150 drophead. Photographs of the day were taken by Susi Ivins.
We had a total of 12 Alvis ranging from Brian Aket's 1926 12/50 to Albert Markham's TF21 Saloon, with everything in between including Steve Horne's Graber TC108G. Of particular interest, was Mark Kingstone's Speed 20sc. We also welcomed new Members Peter and Jenny Maynard in their recently acquired TA21 drophead.
The day started with Concours judging, then a picnic lunch including beverages and cake from the Mill, and then the Driving tests. What was pleasing about the day was the number of visitors to our event from the Water Mill, admiring and showing an interest in the cars. The event concluded with a very successful raffle with funds for the club, and the award of concours and driving test prizes which was well spread out amongst the prizewinners.
Thanks are due to the Water Mill staff and volunteers and Brian Aket for their assistance in facilitating the event and A O C volunteer helpers.
A great time was had by participating Members and it is hoped that by reading this report and photographs other E A Section members will be encouraged to attend future events.
Hugh Ivins
Committee Member
Now what did you say was missing!
Didn’t she do well
A very convivial lunch break
I won that one. No you didn't