
  YEAR 2025
March 2025  
Sat 1st East Anglia: Workshop Day at The Old Railway Station Mildenhall IP28 7DT from 10am
Morning workshop showing 60s and 70s slides (bring any you want to show) followed by a talk from Dave Walker on "Getting the best from your engine". Lunch at the Walnut Tree pub.
Afternoon in the garage workshop. Try to remember your last breakdown and share it with us. Finish with tea at 4.00 pm. Ladies craft workshop with bring and share lunch.
Email to confirm your attendance. Tel: 07740 795549
Sat 15th South East: Visit to Gatwick Aero Museum.  Details to follow
Sun 16th Northern: Season opening Sunday Lunch, The Tempest Arms Elslack, Skipton BD23 3AY
Our ever popular season opening Sunday lunch will be returning in 2025, at a new venue, The Tempest Arms at Elslack, near Skipton. Lunch will be served at 1pm so do arrive earlier for a pre-lunch drink. Menus have been emailed to Northern Section members (and can be provided to others on request) and menu choices will be needed by 27th February 2025. They should be emailed to Anne Salter at ( Contact: Stephen and Susan Whitaker: 01200 447874 or email
Fri 21st - Sun 23rd All Sections: Practical Classics Classic Car & Restoration Show, NEC Birmingham
For the first time, The Alvis Owner Club are attending the show. We have the cars for the stand but a few more volunteers wouldn’t go amiss. The idea is to be working on the cars, so a level of mechanical ability would be great but we also need some meet and greet. Please contact Phil if you think you can help. If you want to attend the show without getting involved with the stand, tickets available via Use club code CCC5M270 before 20th March.
Phil Gunn – 07542 338100
Sat 22nd Wales: Lunch at Tintern
The Welsh Section welcomes all AOC Members to a luncheon gathering, to meet at 12 noon onwards for a return visit to Tintern, near Chepstow. We are returning to last year’s successful venue, the Anchor Inn, Chapel Hill, Tintern, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, NP16 6TE. This Inn is beside the A466, 5 miles to the north of Chepstow, alongside the River Wye. We have provisionally reserved spaces in their Garden Room with a beautiful outlook over Tintern Abbey for Alvis friends. The Anchor Inn Car park is on your left as you approach the Pub.. We are being allocated a designated Alvis area. Tintern Abbey is an historic site with a modern and fascinating Visitor Centre. We need to advise the Anchor Inn, so please inform us as soon as possible if you would like to join us. Please contact Ann and Hugh Bradnum by telephone: 029 2075 7494 or by e-mail at:
Sat 29th - Sun 30th Northern: Art Deco Centenary weekend
The Art Deco Society is holding its annual event at the Art Deco designed Crowne Plaza Hotel at John Lennon Airport, Liverpool. They have asked for some suitable Alvises to be parked outside the hotel. Anyone with a car launched prior to the second world war, (or possibly a TA 14) who might be interested should contact Philip and Joy Newbold for more details. or 07815 305454
April 2025  
Fri 4th All Sections: Consortium Of Alvis Racing Drivers Dinner
The Cards Dinner will again be held this year at the Fox and Hounds, 44 High Street, Whittlebury NN12 8XJ when the Hulbert Trophy will be presented to last year’s winner Anthony Norton.
As always, everyone is welcome – you don’t need to compete an Alvis or even to own an Alvis.
We will meet at 7pm for an 8pm start and the cost for a three course meal will be circa £30.00 (depending on the options chosen) and there will be vegetarian options.
If you intend to come to the dinner then please let me know as quickly as possible on 07976 365123 or and I will get a menu out to you – we will need to let the pub know in good time what our choices are before the dinner. Jeff Edwards
Sun 6th East Anglia: Section AGM
Location: The Hare Inn, Long Melford, Suffolk. Meet at 10.30am for an 11am start. Lunch at 12.30. More details (including menu options for pre-order) later.
Sun 6th South East: Section AGM
The Bent Arms, High Street, Lindfield. Pre-booking will be essential for lunch. Details will be sent to SE Section members
Sun 6th Scottish: Scottish Section AGM and Lunch
Section AGM at Crieff Hydro 2pm. Lunch available in the hotel. John Ratcliffe 07743 703969
Sun 6th Midland: Section AGM
The Buck and Bell, Long Itchington, CV47 9PH 10.30 for coffee and start at 11am. Lunch available at the pub afterwards. Please let the secretary know you are attending. Phil Gunn 07542 338100
Sun 13th Northern: Section AGM
This meeting will be held remotely, with all paperwork transmitted to section members prior to the meeting and voting forms will be provided to be completed and returned in advance of this meeting. All section members will be invited to attend a virtual meeting on Sunday 13th April 2025. Items for the agenda, and nominations for office bearers to be in writing, and to arrive with the Northern Secretary, Anne Salter by 7th March 2025 please. Crag Mount, Fulwith Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire HG2 8HL or email:
Sun 27th Northern: Drive it Day
Leyland Motor Museum is holding its annual Spring Transport Show from 10am – 4pm on Drive It Day. It’s free to enter and all you need to do is complete the entry form on their website and then let Andrew Wisdom know you are coming so he can organise where we park. Please try and arrive for the opening time of 10am if you can.
Although it is free to exhibit, entry to the museum is £7 per person. Lunch is available in the café and the museum has asked that we give numbers so please let Andrew know if you intend to eat at the museum. The FBHVC are selling car plaques for Drive it Day to raise money for the NSPCC at a cost of £12.50 each (
Contact: Andrew Wisdom: 07745 397627 or email at
 Sun 27th East Anglia: Drive-it Day Tour
We will meet at 10am at the Liberator Cafe at the Old Buckenham Aerodrome (NR17 1PU) based near Attleborough in Norfolk where we can enjoy refreshments before departing for The Packhorse Inn set in the scenic village of Moulton near Newmarket in Suffolk (CB8 8SP).
We shall use a tulip diagram route schedule method with clear and easy to follow instructions to guide you along a scenic 50 mile route. The Packhorse is a beautiful pub/restaurant with an excellent reputation set in Moulton, one of the prettiest unspoilt villages in the area.
We can cater for 30 people so please book early to avoid disappointment, as the event, due to its popularity, is likely to be oversubscribed.
If you wish to stay overnight at the Packhorse, they do have eight beautiful rooms available.
Please contact David Halsall on 07467 518952 if you have any queries.
Please email David with your name and the name(s) of any passengers in your car along with the model and registration number of your vehicle in order to book your place.
Sun 27th South East: Drive it Day
Run ending at Clandon Park (details TBC)
Sun 27th Scottish: Drive it Day
Meet at the Garlogie Inn 9.30 to 10am, breakfast rolls and coffee,  scenic run to Johnshaven for a late lunch circa 2pm at the Anchor Hotel.
Hoping to visit the Maritime Museum at Gordoun en route. Come in anything if your Alvis isn't wanting to come!
Please contact Chris Chilcott . 07738 800170 as need approximate numbers if you wish food
Sun 27th Midland: Drive-it Day Event
To warm up your Alvis up for the motoring season ahead, and to celebrate Drive-It Day, come for a morning drive in the Vale of Evesham. Meet at the The Queen Elizabeth Inn in Elmley Castle at 10am for coffee and then come on a scenic 40 mile drive among some of the remaining orchards of the Vale, through Pershore and Broadway, followed by lunch at The Howard Arms at Ilmington. If the weather is good, there should be lots of blossom to see!
Full details from Mike Davies (01684 893238, 07770 890951, or
Sun 27th - Tues 29th Midland: Lincolnshire Spring Break
A visit to Larry Riches collection of cars followed by a two-night stay at the Petwood Hotel. Full details at
Contact John Fox 07419 905320
May 2025  
Sun 4th (TBC) Northern: Tulip Day at Constable Burton Hall
Over 6000 tulips can be admired in the grounds of Constable Burton Hall at their annual Tulip weekend. Bloms Bulbs also create displays of cut tulips which can be seen in their marquee. In addition, you can visit the beautiful woodland walks and garden trails to discover the lovely garden featuring cyclamen, lilies, ferns, hardy shrubs, roses and wildflowers. The plan is to meet at the vineyard home of Paul and Lisa Chasney, Bilton Grange, Tockwith Lane, Tockwith, Bilton in Ainsty, YO26 7NZ for coffee from 10am onwards. We will then drive to Constable Burton Hall, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5LJ where parking has been reserved in front of the hall. The journey should take a little over an hour via the A1 or a bit more via the A168, the non-motorway route. A map of the suggested route will be available at coffee time if required. The intention is to arrive in time for lunch which can be purchased in their marquee (or do take a picnic).
The cost is £10 if booked in advance via the Constable Burton website ( or £12 on the day. For those living west of Leyburn, we would recommend that you arrange to arrive at the Hall at around 12 noon to join the others. Numbers are needed by 27 April 2025.
Contact: Richard Humphreys ( or Paul and Lisa Chasney (
Mon 5th Northern: Gawsworth Hall Car Day
Gawsworth Hall, Church Lane, Gawsworth, Cheshire, SK11 9RN
Early May Bank Holiday in 2025 will be held on Monday 5th May. Gawsworth hold their annual one-day classic and vintage car and motorcycle show, with plenty of interest for all to see. We will not have a dedicated stand but anyone who wishes to go and to join up with other Alvis owners should contact Tim Brown on: 07799 118771 or email at:
Sat 10th Midlands, South West and Wales: Tri-Section Lunch
THE MIDLANDS, SOUTHWEST & WALES REGIONS welcome AOC Members to the TRI-SECTION SUMMER LUNCH – Vic Round (Midlands), Don and Mavis Gray (Southwest) and Ann and Hugh Bradnum (Wales) are delighted to invite you to join us at this combined 3 Section Informal Lunch Gathering. By popular demand, we are returning to our Membership favoured venue: ‘The Anchor Inn’, Church Road, Oldbury-on Severn, Bristol, BS35 1QA to meet at 12 noon onwards. This Inn was our first host for a ‘Tri-Section Lunch’. This quaint stone- built Inn is situated in a very pretty, South Gloucestershire village nestling on the original banks of the River Severn. It has a long history dating back to the Iron Age and the Roman periods. There is a delightful and substantial outside seating area and gardens. Our hosts are Mark and his son, James, the Chef. This is a wonderful and relaxed opportunity to make new Alvis friends or to meet up with existing ones. Everyone is welcome, with or without an Alvis. Confirmation of attendance will be appreciated as soon as possible to enable us to advise the venue of expected numbers in advance, and limited capacity may be an issue.
Please contact Ann and Hugh Bradnum on 029 2075 7494 or email to
Wed 14th - Fri 16th East Anglia: Spring Break
Based again in 2025 at The Angel Wangford (NR34 8RL). Phone 01502 578494 (all the rooms have been allocated to the Alvis Club). Please note that there is a limited number of rooms at this small Hotel. Room costs at the Angel are between £100 and £130 b&b depending on the room, evening meals are extra. The rooms are reserved under the name of Peter Barratt (Alvis Club) IMPORTANT please let Peter know when you have booked ( There is additional accommodation nearby, these can be located either on or, letting Malcolm Kindell ( know that you have booked into additional accommodation.
The draft programme: Wednesday 14th assemble for lunch at The Dolphin Inn, Thorpness at 11:30 and then visit Leiston Longshop Museum in the afternoon before arriving at Wangford. Thursday 15th Visit to Crow’s Hall Suffolk, (route from Wangford provided) this is being organised by Steve Horne and includes lunch and a guided tour ( there is an addition cost to this excursion. Please let Steve know if you are coming ( Note members not staying but wish to join in the Crow’s Hall visit must let Steve know. Friday 16th - an early start (05:30) to listen to Bitterns Booming then after breakfast back at the hotel, a walk along Dunwich Heath followed by fish and chips before departing
Sat 17th South West: Spring Barbeque Picnic & AGM
The South West Spring Barbeque Picnic & AGM will once again be combining our AGM with our popular and always enjoyable Barbeque Picnic at Long Park Farm in Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 4BW, by kind invitation of SW committee member Peter Robson. Members are warmly invited to simply turn up for a speedy AGM before tucking in to a FREE barbeque picnic where all food is locally sourced. In the unlikely event that the weather decides to be inclement then Peter has reserved one of his huge barns for us to assemble and enjoy ourselves. Please do join us and enjoy the beautiful South Hams countryside and the company of friends old and new. For more information please contact Don Gray 07850 601038 email For directions to Long Park Farm please contact Peter Robson 07773 360291 email
Fri 23rd - Mon 26th

All Sections: APPF Fougeres Rally—save the dates
In 2025, we will celebrate the 30th year of the Fougeres rally. APPF (Automobiles & Patrimoine du Pays de Fougères), the organising team, would like Alvis to be the marque of honour.
Patrick Rollet, President of the APPF and the AOC French Representative, is thinking of reserving the Hotel du Lion d'Or*** in St Brice en Cogles for Alvis participants. It has a large private and secure car park, in-door swimming pool and 35 bedrooms. Cost per night is likely to be around €145 for two, including breakfast and tax.

Programme details and entry form can found in the Members Only section.

The rally has consistently been sold out and places are limited so early applications are recommended!

 Mon 26th South East: Staplefield Village Show and Car Show
More details to follow
June 2025  
Sun 8th

Midland: Classic Cars and Gardens
This is at Highnam Court, details to follow. Contact Mike Davies 07770 890951

Sun 15th

Midland: Wirksworth Back to the 40s
1940s themed event. Based at a heritage railway. A £10 ticket gives you unlimited rides on the steam. Contact Phil Gunn 07542 338100

Fri 20th - Sun 22nd

International Alvis Weekend 2025

Will take place near Winchester and Bucklers Hard (part of the Beaulieu Estate) on Sunday.
All the details will be available towards the end of the year.  Look forward to seeing you there.

Sun 29th

Northern: Malton Agricultural Show, Scampston
A great day out is assured at this wonderful, traditional agricultural show. As part of the Show, Classic and Sports Car Centre of Malton organise a classic car show where we will be allocated our own area to display our cars. Winners of the various car show categories will have a chance to display their cars in the ring. In addition, gardening enthusiasts can visit the Scampston Walled Garden and, if open, the Hall. A really enjoyable day out for all - a mini Great Yorkshire Show. We will have reserved spaces and you will need to prebook with us in order to attend. Details of cost etc will be provided shortly. Contact: Anne Salter – or 01423 870350

July 2025  
Fri 4th - Sun 6th Northern: Section Weekend
This year we have a shared event with the Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club. It is based at the Holiday Inn, Lancaster with Northern Alvis Day being held at Leighton Hall, Carnforth on Sunday 6 July. There is a full programme of events for the Friday night and the Saturday which you can choose via the booking form attached to the Calendar. Once completed, please send the form to Anne Salter (contact details are on the form). To take advantage of our hotel rates, booking forms need to be received by 8 May 2025. Please note we are using a central booking system via the Armstrong Siddeley Owners Club to book accommodation and the advertised rates are not available for direct bookings. Instructions on how to book into Leighton Hall on the Great British Shows website are also given on the form so please make sure that you book your place there as soon as possible to ensure you get a place on the stand. Early Bird rates are available until the end of March, but the entry fee will go up slightly thereafter. We do hope that you will join us for the whole weekend, but you can book for part of the weekend or just for Northern Alvis Day.
Contact: David and Anne Salter ( or 01423 870350)
Fri 4th - Sun 6th South West: South West Alvis Day
Following the success of last year’s South West Weekend we are pleased to inform members that we will be returning to The Stourhead Estate for our SWAD on 6th July 2025. The gardens at Stourhead are regarded as one of the finest in England and we feel privileged to be invited back. We are again planning to make this a weekend event with a special dinner on the Saturday evening. Excellent value accommodation has been arranged at the nearby Hunters Lodge Inn where a decent number of en suite rooms have been reserved at less than £100 per room incl. breakfast. These rooms are available on a strictly first come, first served basis. The Hunters Lodge Inn 01747 840439 additional accommodation options are available, for more info contact Don Gray 07850 601038 Tudor Francis 07834815187.
An official SWAD Entry Form will follow in due course
Sat 5th Midland: Highnam Court Family Day
Details to follow. Contact Anthony McGarel-Groves 07957 336170
Sun 6th Midland: North and South Road Run
Two runs in the north and south of our section, full details to follow
Contact North – Rachael Gunn 07818 293489, South – Mike Davies 07770 890951
Mon 7th - Fri 11th Scottish: Tour of SW Scotland based at Gatehouse of Fleet
A chance to experience a variety of scenery, history and attractions from Kirkudbright to the Mull of Galloway, based at the pretty town of Gatehouse of Fleet. Accommodation at the Murray Arms in Gatehouse (15 rooms) with more rooms available at the adjacent Masonic Arms. For full details contact John Ratcliffe or 07743 703969.
Sat 12th South East: Run and visit to Hollycombe Steam Museum
Date TBC, details to follow
Sun 13th Scottish: Alvis stand at the Glamis Transport Extravaganza
Please let John Ratcliffe or 07743 703969 know if you would like a place on the stand.
Sun 20th Midland: Shelsley Walsh Classic Nostalgia
Contact Mike Davies 07770 890951
Sun 20th Northern: Newby Hall Classic and Vintage Car Day
Newby Hall, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 5AE
NECPWA Annual Rally and Autojumble. One of the largest Classic Car Shows in the North of England with a maximum of 1,000 cars on display from all eras. Display cars should be registered prior to 31st December 1979. There is always a great display of classic and vintage vehicles, with plenty of interest for all to see. Entry forms will be available via the NECPWA website, although paper forms are no longer used. Further details will be confirmed
Contact: Anne Salter – or 01423 870350
Thu 24th East Anglia: Section Day
Details to follow
Fri 25th - Sun 27th Midland: Pre-War Kyre Park
This is the replacement for Pre-War Prescott. Those who have been before will probably have had an email. If you are interested in taking part in the hill climb, you need to register your interest on
August 2025  
Sat 2nd South East: Picnic and Fly In at Palmer's Farm
Details to follow
Sat 2nd Midland: Gloucester Extravaganza near Cirencester
“Regarded as one of the best and biggest steam, vintage and countryside events in the UK”
Exhibitors’ cars enter FREE - apply for limited availability tickets to Anthony McGarel-Groves – – all Sections welcome.
APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 30TH MAY. For further information on the event go to
Contact Anthony McGarel-Groves 07957 336170
Sun 3rd Northern: Hebden Bridge Vintage and Classic Car Show
Calder Holmes Park, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX7 8EE
Organised by The Rotary Club of Hebden Bridge, the Vintage Weekend is an annual rally for vintage, veteran and classic vehicles held in the Historic West Yorkshire Town of Hebden Bridge, in the heart of the South Pennines. Entry is on-line only at: Contact: Stephen Whitaker: 01200 447874 or Email at
Sun 3rd Northern: MG Northern Day, Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire
Nidderdale Show Ground, Bewerley Park, Pately Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5BD
Harrogate MG Club invite AOC members to their Annual Northern event. Park, in pride of place, in the show ring and spend a pleasant day in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. Stalls, competitions and the town of Pateley Bridge to explore. Bring a picnic or use the on-site catering facilities. Contact: David and Anne Salter: 01423 870350 email:
Fri 8th - Sun 10th Midland: Midland Section Weekend
We would be delighted to welcome you to The Holt Hotel, Steeple Aston. We have an optional tour of the Silverstone Museum on the Saturday with other local options too. We have rooms set aside at the hotel for dinner, bed & breakfast under booking code MGCLB. Our section day on the Sunday will be at Sulgrave Manor, the ancestral home of George Washington’s family. Please see the attached booking form for more details. Email enquiries to Ros Connell
Sat 9th East Anglia: BBQ
Val and Dave Stokes have once again kindly volunteered to hold their always popular BBQ. Details to follow.
Sun 10th East Anglia: Hedingham Castle Classic and Vintage Car Show
Based at Hedingham Castle near Halstead in Essex, the Classic & Vintage Car Show will be taking place on Sunday 10th August 2025. We hope to be parked as a group near the Keep (the only surviving part of the castle). The show lasts from 11am-4pm. All exhibitors cars must be in position by 10.45am and remain in place until 4pm. The gates will open from 8.30am for exhibitors.
Please let Steve Horne ( know by 31 May 2025 if you are planning to attend and he can provide you with an entry form. 
Sat 16th - Sun 17th Northern: Passion for Power, Tatton Park Vintage and Classic Car Show
Tatton Park, Knutsford, WA16 6QN
One of the UK’s most popular Classic Car events with over 90 Classic and performance car Clubs attending and over 300 private entries. Large Autojumble and numerous trade stands. A two day event, with our stand being hosted by Tim Brown. This has for many years been a very popular event with all our South Lancashire and Cheshire Members and for others from further afield. This large show goes from strength to strength every year, having an enormous and diverse variety of vintage and classic cars on display. We will have our own club area to display our cars. Contact: Tim Brown – 07799 118771 – email:
Sat 16th - Sun 17th Northern: Lytham St Anne’s 40s weekend
Lytham Green, Lytham Beach, Lytham St Anne’s, FY8 5LD
A celebration of the Second World War era. Join us for the fourteenth annual Lytham 1940s Weekend taking place on Lytham Green and in the town. There will be music, dance, military vehicles, static aircraft and so much more. Details to follow once confirmed by the organisers.
Fri 22nd - Sun24th Midland / All Sections: Silverstone Festival
Tickets from
Sat 23rd Midland: Gloucester Goes Retro
Apply via Contact Mike Davies 07770 890951
Sun 24th East Anglia: Lavenham Classics
Lavenham Recreation Ground 11.00 – 16.00. After the success of 2024's event we will be booking an Alvis pitch again. Forms available March 2025. To express interest email Clare Symes
Sun 24th South East: Visit to Kent & East Sussex Railway, Tenterden
We have arranged to visit the Kent & East Sussex Railway which is a heritage railway currently running between Tenterden and Bodiam. We been have allocated spaces in a featured location on the forecourt in front of Tenterden station. 
In order for us to make use of this privilege we need to be on site by 09:30 before the public. The station is situated in the Town centre so ideal for people to explore the town or to take the train to Bodiam. Bodiam castle owned the National trust is a picturesque 14th century moated castle and is a short walk away, tickets bought directly.
Free railway tickets are offered to drivers who show their cars within the display and a discounted rate for their passengers. If we have enough bookings we may able to partake in afternoon tea at a discounted rate.
In order to get the discounted rates you will need to contact Janet Davey or 01892 890043 by the 31st July 2025.
Sun 24th South West: Sherborne Historic Vehicle Rally
Alvis owners are once again invited to participate in this extremely popular and exceptional event. This event is very special, many of the cars dating from the early 1900s, to say nothing of the Drivers! The setting on the Sherborne School Courts is truly second to none. Alvis cars have always done very well at this event invariably being among the trophy awards so we hope that you will support the marque in 2024. The day starts with an optional approx. 30 mile drive through some delightful parts of the Dorset countryside before the display & judging at the school. This event raises funds for charity and is run by The Rotary Club of Sherborne Castles. An Entry Form is available at for more information contact Don Gray 07850 601038 or Mark Kirby 07775 625327
Mon 25th Midland: Pershore Plum Festival
Apply via Contact Mike Wilson 01242 580059
September 2024  
Fri 5th - Sun 7th Scottish: Scottish Alvis Weekend
A two night event based at the Murraypark Hotel, Crieff.   Touring on the Saturday with evening Dinner, and Scottish Alvis Day on the Sunday at Doune Hillclimb Paddock.
Hotel £159 double B&B (£149 single). Booking link below:
Promo code – ALVIS2025
Sun 7th South West: The South West Summer Picnic
By popular request the picnic will be once again be held in the grounds of the National Trust’s Great Chalfield Manor near Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire SN12 8NH by kind permission of the donor tenants Robert & Patsy Floyd. This beautiful moated medieval manor house with its magnificent Arts & Crafts garden has featured in a number of films, most recently, the excellent TV series Poldark. We have been invited to drive through the fine stone archway and park our cars in front of the beautiful manor house and to picnic on the lovely lawn areas behind or near our cars. So bring your picnic to arrive any time after 12 noon. Entry is of course FREE for NT members, non- members will be charged £8 per adult, a donation to the beautiful on site church I know would certainly be appreciated; just turn up and enjoy! Confirmation of attendance will be helpful as the number of parking places available in front of the manor house are clearly limited. For further information please contact Don Gray on 07850 601038 or email
Fri 12th - Sun 14th South East / All Sections: Goodwood Revival Weekend
Fri 12th - Sun 14th Wales: Save the Date: based at the Ffarm Country House Hotel, this weekend in September offers an exciting and interesting experience. Saturday promises a drive through magnificent scenery with stunning views of North Wales, at times following Thomas Telford’s Holyhead Road. Sunday will be spent at the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct World Heritage Site, Thomas Telford and William Jessop’s iconic structure. There are of course strong links between Alvis and the Canal and River Trust through Tom Rolt the author who drove an Alvis 12/50, wrote the book Narrow Boat and was very involved with the preservation of the canals and Alvis. The other link is part of the route will include Holyhead Road, but not to the site of the Alvis Factory in Coventry.
For further information please contact either: William and Les Day 07967 592480 or or Ann and Hugh Bradnum 029 20757494 or
Sat 13th East Anglia: Suffolk Historic Churches Ride/Stride/Pedal and Drive
Details to follow
Sat 18th Scottish: Planning meeting
Details to follow
Sat 20th - Sun 21st Midland: Kop Hill Climb
Book at Early bird tickets available now.
Jim Oakman
October 2025  
Sun 5th Midland: Bicester Scramble
Book via , tickets on sale 28th April
Tue 7th - Fri 10th East Anglia: Autumn Break
The Autumn Break will be held this year at the Woodland Manor Hotel just outside Bedford (
Pricing of rooms per night, including breakfast but not dinner, is as follows (whether single or double occupancy):
Small or basic double £90, standard double £100, deluxe double £110, premium double £110. Two of the premium doubles are ground floor rooms.
Please contact the hotel directly (01234 363281) to book rooms and let Mark Kingstone ( know that you have done so. This will enable us to co-ordinate the event, including meals.
Dinner will be in a separate function room and is £29.95 for 2 courses and £35 for 3 courses (per person). Menu choices will be circulated next summer and will need to be made and paid for in advance to the hotel by 7 September 2025. You will have to ring the hotel (Event Manager – Teri Dunstan - 01234 905323) directly to make payment for dinners (not rooms).
Unfortunately the hotel has a no pets policy, including dogs. Many apologies to those who normally bring their dogs but, despite trying, we have been unable to find a hotel in the area that is suitable for us, has availability and is dog-friendly.
Activities while we are at Woodland Manor will include visits to the Shuttleworth Collection and Bletchley Park.
 Sat 18th Scottish: Planning meeting
Details to follow
November 2025  
Sun 16th East Anglia: Last of the Summer Wine lunch
To be held at The Horse and Groom, Cornish Hall End. Details to follow
  YEAR 2026