AOC International Alvis Weekend 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

AOC International Alvis Weekend 2024

IAW 2024 Chilston Park

Early start outside Chilston Park Hotel


The IAW 2024 started on a glorious Friday and continued through a glorious weekend finishing on Sunday afternoon. There was a slight hiatus due to the overnight rain on the Saturday into Sunday, but the weather did us proud.

There was an exceptional display of our Alvis cars (pictures and video to follow). Attending members had a lovely time over a very sociable weekend. It looked as though everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
A full write up will be in a future Bulletin with updates on who won what.

IAW2024 Organising Committee

IAW 2024 Organising Committee getting ready to welcome Members

IAW2024 Chilston Park 2

Sunday starting bright and fresh


Richard Long

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6/3/2024 8:34 AM
IAW 2024

A most enjoyable weekend ... a big thank you to all the organisers!